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Ruined Ancient Architecture

Structure of the course

2021 / 22

The Course is run over two years in 18 sessions. Each session is held on a Saturday and each year contains 9 Saturday sessions. The sessions cover the following subjects:

Year 1

1. Theological Overview

2. The Doctrine of God

3. The Doctrine of the Person of Christ

4. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

5. The Doctrines of Human Nature, Sin and Grace

6. The Doctrine of the Church

7. The Doctrine of the Kingdom of God

8. Eschatology

9. Biblical Interpretation

Year 2

1. The Pentateuch

2. Psalms & Wisdom

3. The Gospels & Acts Pt 1

4. The Gosplels & Acts Pt 2

5. Paul and his Theology

6. Mission & Evangelism

7. Christianity & World Religions

8. Christian Ethics: Principles & Applications

9. Christology & Atonement in Historical Perspective

10. Final Assignment

A full syllabus is available on request

Structure of the course: What's Happening
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